
Nominate Your Favorite Librarian to Win $5,000!

Nominations are open through September 27, 2021

July 15, 2021

Is there a librarian who has made a difference in your life or made an impact on your community? Now is your chance to honor their contributions by nominating them for the national I Love My Librarian Award.

Librarians touch the lives of the people they serve every day. This award encourages library users to recognize the accomplishments of exceptional public, school, college, community college, or university librarians.

Hey, Sussex County residents! Consider nominating a local librarian for this prestigious award.

For Sparta Library staff, visit:

For Sussex County Library staff, visit:

Other nominee considerations include librarians at accredited two-year or four-year colleges or universities, or at accredited K-12 schools.

Ten librarians will each win a $5,000 cash prize and will be honored at an award ceremony January 21-24, 2022 at the inaugural LibLearnX: The Library Learning Experience event in San Antonio, Texas.

The I Love My Librarian Award is unique. Previous winners have referred to it as the "People’s Choice Award" of the library world because people who use libraries nominate librarians for the differences they are making in their schools, campuses, and communities. Each year thousands of library lovers submit detailed stories regarding how their librarian had an impact on their communities and lives.

 Nominate your favorite librarian today!

Nominations are open through September 27, 2021.

For more information, including tips for writing a standout nomination, visit