
Non-Candy Easter Basket Surprises

March 31, 2017

Did you know an Easter basket filled with candy has the capability to fuel your child with incredible super powers to hang from the ceiling for a whole week?  Yea, well perhaps you may opt to sub out some of that SugarHoneyIcedTea with these fun little treats.

Easter Basket Surprises (Non-Candy):
Sippy cups, crazy straws, baseball, bubbles, bubble bath, nail polish, Chia pet, stickers, Cheerios/puffs, colorful socks, sunglasses, character toothbrush, tattoos, books, Matchbox cars, chapstick, playdough, sidewalk chalk, card games, watering can, flashcards, rubber duckie, bibs, rattles, fruit snacks, washable paints, slippers, kids watch, piggy bank, stamps, jewelry set, magnetic letters for the fridge, kite, hair accessories, movies, music, bath toys, bug catcher, jump rope, water gun, glow sticks, foam craft kits, water bottle, swim goggles, baseball cards, disposable camera, bike streamers or bell

Easter Egg Stuffers:
Money, gift certificate (ice cream, batting cages), Cheerios, puffs, raisins, stickers, bracelets, socks, seed packets, finger puppets, party-size playdough, goldfish crackers, tattoos, erasers, race cars, lip gloss, nail polish, pencil toppers, bath fizzles

Basket Themes:
Art - paints, brushes, paper, picture frame, markers
Sports - frisbee, balls, paddle games, whistle
Bathtime - sponge shapes, towel, toys, bubble bath, fizzles
Beach - pail, shovel, beach hat, flip flops, bathing suit
Gardening - boots, watering can, seeds, pot, DIY seed markers, gloves
Bug Catching Explorer - bug catcher, flashlight, magnifying glass, bug book, journal, net
Superhero - cape, kid comics, action figures, mask
DressUp - jewelry, tiara, shoes, boa
Game Time - popcorn, puzzles, games

Crafts and Treats:
I love volunteering to make school snacks and treats around the holidays...especially with the help of Pinterest!  I've went crazy pinning adorable Easter crafts, recipes, home decorating tips and treats.  Click, re-pin and create with Sussex Macaroni Kid!